Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bob at the Beach

Here's Bob at one of our local beaches. It was near low tide, so you can barely make out the coral beds behind him.


Gary said...

Man, everytime Bob heads to the ocean, I get the bug to go back.

If only I had a spare 10k...

Just John said...

The scenery here is indeed impressive Gawfer. Fortunately, there are similar beaches in places like Florida and even South Carolina. Granted, the rest of the terrain is not the same, but the beaches are almost as impressive as here.

cary said...

Mebbe so, John, but the cuisine sure doesn't match!

I am so jealous of Bob - I wish I was at the beach.

Devine308 said...

I thought of Bob when I found this site.

Anonymous said...

May I ask where Bob's hat is? Wouldn't want him to get a sunburn, is all. What a beautiful beach! Guess high tide wouldn't be a problem, though.

Anonymous said...

Did Bob drown at high tide? I haven't seen him lately... or is he geocaching?

Anonymous said...

I've been busy geocaching. Maybe I'll make another appearance this never know.